Thursday, May 15, 2008

Funnest trip ever!

Yes.. We did it we loaded up and went to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico all alone ABSOLUTELY NO HUSBANDS!!! and not to mention had the time of our lives! It all started when Jenny my oldest sister's husband (Bert) decided to leave her and go to Chile for two weeks for a motorcycle race. In the mean time, she decided that if he was going to leave her then she could leave and go on a vacation without him as well. That is when the plan came into effect. We talked and decided on Mexico in the Spring well as we all know Spring came and we were VIVA LA MEXICO! We went and stayed in a 5 star hotel and ate like there was no tomorrow (cause after all we only have to pay for ourselves so why the heck not) I recommend to any female to go on at least one vacation with girls only it is such a different world! you totally get catered to! we felt like celebrities! We got drinks and meals bought for us by the guys cause I swear they are all on the prowl for the group of girls, and the hotel employees definately watch out for you so we luckily never felt like we were in danger... Needless to say it was a vacation well worth it!


Josh and Brittany Redd said...

Looks like you had so much fun! I am so jealous! I am in desperate need of a good vacation in the hot sun.

BiLlY, sAm, AnD bOyS!!! said...

that looks so fun!!! wish it was me!!!!